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  • Spinal Deformity Correction

    Spinal deformity correction is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting abnormal curvature or misalignment of the spine. These deformities can include conditions such as scoliosis (sideways curvature), kyphosis (forward curvature), or other spine misalignments. The procedure involves a combination of techniques to realign the spine, stabilize it, and, in many cases, fuse the vertebrae to prevent future deformity.

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  • Tired muscles can indeed be a pain in the neck, spine movement study shows

    While fatigue in neck muscles has long been suspected of causing pain, the actual mechanical changes in the spine and muscles that precede weakness remain an outstanding question. Now, using high-precision X-ray imaging to track spine movements during neck exertion tasks, Texas A&M University researchers have discovered that sustained neck exertions cause muscle fatigue that then exaggerates the cervical spine curvature. This leads to neck pain.

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  • Choosing the Best Mattress for Lower Back Pain

    Sleeping is the only time your spinal muscles, ligaments, discs, and joints get to completely relax and rejuvenate. A good choice of mattress will go a long way in supporting this type of deep, healing sleep.

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  • Laminectomy

    A laminectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing part or all of the lamina (the back part of a vertebra that covers the spinal canal) to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots. It is often performed to treat conditions that cause spinal nerve compression, such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs, or bone spurs.

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  • What the Amount of Fat on Your Arms Might Tell You About Your Spine Health

    For those over 50, measuring the total amount of fat in the arms may help predict which women and men are at a higher risk of a spinal fracture, new research shows.

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